Redefining Marketing Analytics
Assess the impact of Consumer and Trade Promotions
Use EZPromo

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Brand and Product Managers

    You spend 20%-50% of your annual marketing budgets on Trade and Consumer promotions. Optimally allocate your Promotion Budgets using our accurate assessments of the true Incrementality generated by Trade and Consumer Promotions, at a fraction of the cost you pay other Analytical vendors. Our leading technique - EZPromo, provides assessments using household/consumer level Frequent Shopper Data or Panel Purchase Data. The assessments of EZPromo are more insightful, accurate, and cheaper than other approaches from other Analytical vendors.     Use EZPromo

    EZPromo: Accurately assess the impact of Consumer and Trade Promotions based on data commonly available to most CPG manufacturers and retailers: Frequent Shopper Transaction Data and Shopping Panel Data.

  • WHY USE EZPromo?

    There are two benefits of using EZPromo for assessing the impacts of Trade and Consumer Promotions:

    • More Insightful Assessment: EZPromo provides a three-component assessment of Promotions that other approaches do not.

      • Incremental Impact: is the new volume generated by a Promotion.

      • Subsidized Impact: is the undesirable subsidies provided by a Promotion.

      • Share Sustenance Impact: is the market share sustenance benefit provided by a Promotion.

      None of the approaches that are marketed by leading marketing practitioners or academics help in getting these three-component assessments of either Trade or Consumer promotions.

    • More Accurate Assessment: EZPromo provides impact assessments that are free from errors that occur when using traditional approaches:

      • Data specification errors: Use of inappropriate data to assess promotions.

      • Model Specification errors: Most models are additive (or log-additive) in nature.

      • Estimation errors: Either Bias or Inefficiency in estimates underlying the promotion impact assessments.

    • Cheaper Assessment: EZPromo provides assessments at a fraction of the price charged by other analytical vendors.

  • WHEN TO USE EZPromo?

    Within 2-3 weeks of the completion of a Consumer or Trade Promotion, EZPromo can be used to analyze its impact.

*US Patent Numbers 7,562,063; 7,853,550; 8,015,142; and 8,504,509
Copyright @ 2016 Suman Inc.